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New beekeepers Guide to buying bees
Package, Nuc or Single
*.Sometimes a bit more difficult for new beekeepers. Most new beekeepers do not have drawn comb.
*3 to 5 lbs of bees in a transport box with a caged queen.
*Queen is not related to bees in the box.
*Can be mailed.
*Usually brought in from California
*Upfront cost a bit less than a nuc.
*3 to 5 lbs of bees in a transport box with a caged queen.
*Queen is not related to bees in the box.
*Can be mailed.
*Usually brought in from California
*Upfront cost a bit less than a nuc.
Nuc (Nucleus)
Nucs are typically more beneficial for new beekeepers.
Can be purchased locally.
*Nucleus is an infant hive.
*5 frames with bees, brood and a Queen.
*Queen is the mother to the bees in the hive.
*Upfront cost is more than a package, but you are getting more from a nuc.
Can be purchased locally.
*Nucleus is an infant hive.
*5 frames with bees, brood and a Queen.
*Queen is the mother to the bees in the hive.
*Upfront cost is more than a package, but you are getting more from a nuc.
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